The frontiers of the Middle Eastern quadrant

Categories: Literature
Date: 20/06/2018
Time: 18 h 30 - 20 h 30
Location: Librebook
Links: iCal - Google Calendar

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What changes have occurred in the context of the Middle Eastern quadrant of the Enlarged Mediterranean in the aftermath of the Arab uprisings? What are the features of the new world scenario, more and more multipolar and still in search of its balance?

Presentation and debate in Italian with Nicola Censini, author of “Le frontiere del quadrante mediorientale” (Aracne ed.), David Sassoli (Vice President PE), Antonio Panzeri (Pres. Subcommittee on Human Rights PE), Pietro Ducci (Director of External Policies PE ), Alessandro Mrakic (UNDP Brussels). Introduction by Francesco Cerasani (Political advisor PE) and moderation by Alessia Centioni (Political advisor PE).
