Ana Cristina Silva

Categories: Literature
Date: 18/05/2018
Time: 19 h 30 - 21 h 30
Location: Librebook
Links: iCal - Google Calendar

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Librebook has the pleasure to propose you yet another encounter, as usual in FR, PT and EN and with the help of Instituto Camões and Portuguese Ambassy.

Portuguese writer Ana Cristina Silva, who published her 11th novel this year, lets readers travel through History of Portugal and Europe, focusing on the complexity of the human mind. As a PhD in Psychology of education, the novelist often meets critical aclaim : O Rei do Monte Brasil, prémio Urbano Tavares Rodrigues and finalist of prémio Fernando Namora and prémio SPA, A Segunda Morte de Anna Karénina, finalist of prémio Fernando Namora, and A Noite não É Eterna, prémio Fernando Namora in 2017.

In her last book, Salvação (2018) the loss of one’s soul mate and nowadays matters such as the rise of ISIS echo with the era of Inquisition and its injustices.

Good to know:
