Horta and the Waucquez Stores

Categories: Exhibition / Museums and art centers
Date: 01/01/2018 to 31/12/2018
Time: 10 h 00 - 18 h 00
Location: The Belgian Comic Strip Center
Links: iCal - Google Calendar

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It is the story of a shop unlike anything built nowadays. Over 100 years old, it is the last semi-industrial building designed by Victor Horta that is still in existence! During the first 70 years of its life, cloth and fabrics were sold there, as planned by Charles Waucquez. Witness to the transformation of Brussels, in a district that is without doubt the one that had suffered most from 20th century progress, the shop closed in 1970, and thereafter experienced its most difficult years. Then new hopes, new projects appeared. In 1984, the building was bought by the federal State, with the aim of establishing a museum devoted to comic strip.
