YCW Brussels & SWP Expert Exchange: “The current state of EU-China relations”

Categories: Conference
Date: 05/09/2019
Time: 18 h 00
Location: University Foundation
Links: iCal - Google Calendar

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The German Institute for International and Security Affairs – Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik (SWP) and Young China Watchers Brussels are pleased to invite you to a discussion on the current state of EU-China relations with Nicolas Chapuis, EU Ambassador to China and Gudrun Wacker, Senior Fellow at SWP Berlin

There is an increasing number of controversial issues involving China as a global actor and affecting the EU. Just to name a few: the Chinese-American trade war, Beijing’s Belt and Road Initiative and the 17+1 cooperation format in Europe, China’s relationship with Hong-Kong and the South China Sea, as well as the Chinese government’s attitude towards domestic political dissent.At the same time, China is an irreplaceable global actor and long-term strategic partner for the EU.

Are the parameters for cooperation and engagement changing in the midst of all these (new) challenges? Is the EU sliding into being “between a rock and hard place” because of the US-China stand-off? How can the EU adjust to China’s changing role and forceful actions?

The two speakers will address these and other topical questions in their exchange preceding the discussion with the public.



The German Institute for International and Security Affairs (SWP) advises political decision-makers on international politics and foreign and security policy. SWP services are orientated primarily towards the German government and Bundestag, as well as relevant international organisations such as the European Union, NATO and the United Nations.

About Nicolas Chapuis

Nicolas Chapuis is a French diplomat. After studying Chinese and Mongolian at INALCO and Paris 7 University, he was recruited by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs as press attaché at the French Embassy in China. Winner of the Quai d’Orsay Oriental concours in November 1982, he served in Beijing, Singapore, Shanghai and London. He was French Ambassador to Mongolia and Canada, before being seconded to the European External Action Service in 2018 as EU Ambassador to China. In addition to his diplomatic career, he has translated modern and classical Chinese literature, and authored an essay on Chinese poetry (Tristes Automnes, 2001).

About Gudrun Wacker

Dr. Gudrun Wacker is a Senior Fellow in the Asia Division at the German Institute for International and Security Affairs (SWP) in Berlin. Her research focuses on Chinese foreign and security policy, especially EU-China relations, and security cooperation in the Asia-Pacific. She is in charge of the annual “Berlin Conference on Asian Security” (BCAS) and co-organizes an annual EU-China Track II dialogue on cross-strait relations with the Shanghai Institutes for International Relations. She is currently a member of the Steering Committee of the Council for Security Cooperation in the Asia-Pacific (CSCAP) EU.

Venue Details for SWP Brussels

Address: Boulevard St Michel 80, 1040 Brussels (1st floor).

[17:45] Doors Open [18:00] Event Begins

To register send an email to: Registration.Brussels@swp-berlin.org

The event will be held under Chatham House Rule*.

*Participants are free to use the information received, but neither the identity nor the affiliation of the speaker(s), nor that of any other participant, may be revealed. As a matter of confidentiality, photographs, video or audio recordings as well as all kinds of activities on social media are not allowed during our meetings. Lists of participants are to not be circulated to third parties for reasons of data protection and confidentiality.
