About 25,000 people expected to march on Sunday to address climate change: Find out about the traffic flow changes

The Climate March protest is expected to take place on Sunday 2 December.

Approximately 25,000 protesters will be meeting at the North Station at 11 am. Afterwards it is scheduled for them to depart around 1 pm along these routes:

  • Boulevard Roi Albert II
  • small ring road above ground (Botanique – Madou)
  • Rue de la Loi in the opposite direction to the roundabout Schuman and Cinquantenaire (end of the protest)



Meanwhile 1500  demonstrators will be leaving by bike and taking the small ring road in the other direction, along the canal, the Porte de Hal, Place Louise and Porte de Namur.

The two groups will join each other at the Arts/Loi intersection and complete the final part of the course together.

The Cinquantenaire/Loi tunnels in the direction of the centre and the E40 Reyers tunnel direction centre will be closed at 1 pm. Depending on the course of the demonstration, the tunnels of the small ring could be closed as well.
