An inclusive path to peace in Afghanistan? The Role of the public

Categories: Conference
Date: 24/09/2019
Time: 10 h 00 - 12 h 00
Location: Hotel Martin’s Brussels EU
Links: iCal - Google Calendar

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On Tuesday 24th of September 2019, is going to be held the roundtable discussion “An inclusive path to peace in Afghanistan? The Role of the Public”. The discussion will take place at the Hotel Martin’s Brussels EU (Boulevard Charlemagne 80, 1000 Brussels), from 10 a.m. to 12 a.m.

© FES Afghanistan.

On September 28, Millions of Afghans are heading to the polls in the fourth presidential and key local elections in the country’s now 100 years of full sovereign and independent statehood. While a significant number of competitors and widespread debate in the media underline the progress that Afghanistan’s democratic system has made, the circumstances of the elections remain albeit difficult. The list of nearly insurmountable tasks for the government is long – almost independent of the outcome of the elections, starting from a deteriorating security situation to eroding trust in public institutions and severe socio-economic challenges.

In the past months, FES Afghanistan and its local partners have started to explore possibilities for sustainable societal peace in Afghanistan, covering economic development, security, education, justice, ethnic and religious coexistence and regional stability. The project “The Public Voice on Peace Negotiations” alone convened 600 people from all walks of Afghan life in the provinces of Balkh, Bamyan, Nangarhar, Kandahar, and Herat to explore the wider public’s perception of the ongoing process and build a public agenda for a sustainable peace.

The project will be presented by Dr. Magdalena Kirchner, Director FES Afghanistan, Mirwais Wardak, Managing Director Peace Training & Research Organization Afghanistan and Facilitator Afghanistan Policy Group as well as Evija Kravcenko, Political Adviser to the EU Special Envoy for Afghanistan.

Please register under the following link: FES Registration

