Are you ready for the Nuit Blanche 2018?

Categories: Event
Date: 06/10/2018 to 07/10/2018
Time: 19 h 00 - 3 h 00
Location: Brussels
Links: iCal - Google Calendar

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The arrival of autumn is not cooling down either the City of Brussels or the artists who will be expecting you on 6 October for the latest edition of NUIT BLANCHE. In the same vein as other cities, during the course of a night, Brussels will celebrate contemporary design through an original urban route. Dozens of artists, from here and further afield, will transform the city’s streets, and its well-known and less familiar places.

NUIT BLANCHE invites you to rediscover your city, but also to immerse yourself in contemporary art in a friendly atmosphere.



NUIT BLANCHE will return to the Marolles district in the city centre. This district has been chosen for its protesting history.

In fact, NUIT BLANCHE is part of the thematic year: “2018. Year of Protest”. An initiative launched by the Alderwoman for Culture to mark the 50th anniversary of May ‘68 and analyse protest through the lens of culture. NUIT BLANCHE continues its exploration of pressing issues. This common thread runs through all of the creations presented along the route.

The event is free, in order to remain accessible to the largest number of people. NUIT BLANCHE also pays particular attention to the accessibility of the route to all members of the public, and to mediation.

Whether you are an expert or novice in contemporary art, come and visit the Marolles until 3 am, to discover the installations, performances and itinerant projects of this 2018 edition!


Background Information

Between utopia, sexual liberation and the demand for individuality, what is the legacy of May 68, 50 years on?

Protest movements and revolutions have constantly punctuated History like so many incursions made to cause the established order to implode.

But protests are not limited to an exalted collective expression. Beyond popular revolt, it can result from an individual demand, a rejection of society’s diktats. Often perceived as an act of resistance, protests take many forms: conscientious objectors, hunger strikes, silent marches or the freedom of speech, rebellious slogans expressed on walls, leaflets distributed in secret, guerrilla or defiant acts, etc.

This 16th event will question the heritage and the shifts of May 1968, by highlighting different possible forms of protest as much on a personal level as on a collective level, and will give pride of place to disciplines that come from the street.



NUIT BLANCHE 2018 will be held on the night of Saturday 6 October, from 7 pm to 3 am.
The event is entirely free.