Rise for Climate: 5th Belgian and European march

Categories: Event
Date: 31/03/2019
Time: 13 h 00 - 18 h 00
Location: Brussels North Station
Links: iCal - Google Calendar

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National and European march for climate and life on earth

All together: youth, students, citizens, families, grandparents, academics, artists, associations, to continue putting pressure on the Belgian and European political world!

Schedule · Sunday, March 31, 2019
1:00 PM – 2:00 PM
2:00 PM – 4:00 PM
March North Station -> Schuman -> Cinquantenaire/Jubelpark
3:00 PM – 6:00 PM
Rally and Solutions Village in the Park



– At Belgian level: we are asking for a declaration of a state of environmental emergency and a climate law to reduce C02 emissions by 55% ​​by 2030
– At European level: the climate as a top priority for the 28 member states of the EU, and the adoption of the Finance-Climate Pact proposed by economist Pierre Larrouturou and climatologist Jean Jouzel (https://www.pacte-climat.net/en/)
Worldwide: the respect of the Paris agreements and the protection of water and forests such as the Amazon, lungs of the earth.

Follow #RiseforClimateBelgium

In an effort to finalise animation and prepare for the march’s arrival, we would need and greatly appreciate your DONATIONS! (associations, citizens, companies, …).

Donate and help through this website: https://opencollective.com/riseforclimatebelgium

Rise for Climate Belgium is a grassroots nonpartisan citizen movement pressuring the Belgian government and the European institutions to take urgent, sweeping measures to fight climate change.
