Supporting start-ups and SMEs in the energy transition

Categories: Event
Date: 21/02/2018
Time: 17 h 00 - 20 h 00
Location: EIT House
Links: iCal - Google Calendar

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An event on the role and the support of Start-up and SMEs for Climate will be held in Brussels next week.

Both eco-friendly policies and investments are key for the future of our Planet. While the International policy-makers have set up the Paris Goals at the end of 2015, a complete shift seems necessary to reach them. This is why involvement of the private and the public sectors could create very interesting synergies in terms of public interest, as well as generating very good profits for investors.

It is, however, all about knowing what the different opportunities are and how to implement them in the national and international markets.

That’s the aim of the International Climate Show, which will be held in Geneva from 6 to 8 April. The first edition of this event will be dedicated to innovative sustainable technologies and solutions to make our planet better. Many stakeholders, both from the public and private sectors, will be able to meet each other to talk about the ways to cooperate properly and effectively.

While Geneva can seem far away from the Belgian Capital, the International Climate Show will organise an event on the theme “Supporting Start-up and SMEs in the energy transition”, at the EIT House on 21 February, in Brussels.

This pre-event aims to put together entrepreneurs, investors, policy-makers and change-makers, which will give you some ideas about the opportunities and how to be part of the green innovation. Representatives from the European Commission, NGOs and industries will take the floor to share their views; giving you the opportunity to ask questions on their ideas.





Welcome introduction – Nadia Plata, Director, The International Climate Show

Keynotes, followed by Q&A

  • Diego Pavia, CEO, EIT InnoEnergy (tbc)
  • Gwennaël Joliff-Botrel, Head of unit, European Commission, DG RTD (tbc)

Q&A moderated by

  • Thomas Pellerin-Carlin, Research Fellow European Energy Policy, Jacques Delors Institute

Panel Discussion – Cross-cutting question: What are the most promising/important areas of investment for the future

  • Angelo Salsi, Head of unit “LIFE and CIP Eco-Innovation”, EASME
  • Stef Denayer, Managing Director, i-Cleantech Vlaanderen
  • Jean-Marc Bryskere CEO, Greenbizz.Brussels
  • Clémence Fischer, Head of Smart City, NUMA (tbc)
  • FabLab Director (tbc)

Moderated by

  • Thomas Pellerin-Carlin, Research Fellow European Energy Policy, Jacques Delors Institute

Cocktail reception

