The Spanish Embassy commemorates the European Day of Languages ​​at the Cervantes Institute

Categories: Event
Date: 26/09/2019
Time: 19 h 00
Location: Instituto Cervantes
Links: iCal - Google Calendar

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On the occasion of the European Day of Languages, the Spanish Embassy and the Cervantes Institute pay tribute to the linguistic wealth of Spain through its co-official languages.

JOSEP-MARIA BALANYÀ , piano and composition / ODILE ARQUÉ voice, scenic performance present their performance NO CREC EN TU (I do not believe in you). A textual composition of Víctor Sunyol on the Spiritual Chant of Josep Palau i Fabre and his correspondences with the songs of Ausiàs March and Joan Maragall

The musical group Ialma will present an a capella concert with popular songs in Aranese, Spanish and Galician. The choir of Euskal-Etxea (Basque House) in Brussels will close the event.

