Workshop: Dress with Impact, Dress for Who You Are

Categories: Workshop
Date: 23/10/2019
Time: 18 h 45 - 21 h 00
Location: Timesmore
Links: iCal - Google Calendar

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Every morning as we get dressed, we – consciously or unconsciously – communicate with the world via our clothes. It might be connected to how we are feeling that day, how we want to be perceived or how important something is to us.

This workshop is about how to face the outside world, confident in who you are and what’s important to you. It is not about vanity or succumbing to the latest fashion.

Join for a fascinating dive into the language of clothes, colour and style.

During the workshop, you will gain insights into how:

  • This language of clothes can be understood and mastered.
  • To reflect the messages you choose to send in the way you look.
  • To add impact to your outfits.

Join and learn how to dress with impact while dressing for who you are.

About Ella

The workshop will be delivered by Ella Strickland – an image consultant who uses these tools to complement her calling as a life coach. Ella believes that congruence between how you feel on the inside, and how you reflect that on the outside, is key to living – what she calls – a BIG life. At a time when our world has big issues to deal with, we need big people more than ever!



Contact her on: ella.strickland at

How much? A contribution of €15 to cover expenses including materials, drinks, snacks, etc.

Visit the event web page for more information.
