Babel Hub

Welcome to ‘Babel Hub’,
the multilingual area of Brussels Express!

Brussels, European capital and vibrant heart of cultures, is a fascinating crossroads of languages and histories. At Brussels Express, we want to make this unique diversity tangible by launching a new section, called ‘Babel Hub’: a space where every language has its place, and every voice can be heard.

Why ‘Babel Hub’?

Like a hub, a meeting point and exchange place, this section will bring together articles in different languages to reflect the diversity of Brussels. Here, every language enriches the conversation, and every story makes the region and its surroundings shine.

What are we talking about?

Each article published under the ‘Babel Hub’ tab is a window on Brussels:
– Local and regional news,
– Cultural events and citizens’ initiatives,
– Personal testimonials, portraits and stories,
– Neighbourhood histories, traditions and stories from Brussels and/or Brabant, and even Belgium.

Who is Babel Hub for?

For everyone! Whether you speak English, French, Dutch or another language, ‘Babel Hub’ invites you to explore all the linguistic and cultural aspects of Brussels.

An inclusive space open to the world

‘Babel Hub’ celebrates the multilingualism, dialogue, multiculturalism and conviviality that are the essence of our city, our region and our country. Every language, every article helps to forge links between communities and offer a new perspective on Brussels. For every article published in Brussels Express, there must be a direct or indirect link with Brussels, its surroundings or Belgicity.

Join and spread the word about Babel Hub!

Do you speak a language? Do you have a story, an event or a thought to share? ‘Babel Hub’ is your space. Let’s share the richness of Brussels together, one language and one voice at a time. For any articles or contributions, please contact our editor-in-chief at and mention ‘Babel Hub’.