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City of Brussels wants to increase the number of public places with women’s names

On the eve of the International Women’s Rights Day, the City of Brussels announces its desire to participate in a greater feminisation of the public space. It invites the inhabitants to send their suggestions to give a woman’s name to places

« We are looking the names of women from Brussels. We want to grant them a more visible space in the neighborhoods in which they have a history, » said Ans Persoons, Alderwoman of Urban Planning and Public Spaces of the City of Brussels.


Brussels Grand Place


Through the hashtag #MeerVrouwOpStraat (translation: « More women in the street »), Sofie Lemaire calls the inhabitants to send their ideas of women’s names and to draw up a list for the municipalities for inspiration.

« We have integrated the feminisation of streets, squares and public buildings as an objective in our Action Plan for Equality between Women and Men and have already drawn up a list of women’s names approved by the College which we will draw upon as soon as possible. Our list is of course not exhaustive and the initiative of Sofie Lemaire will allow to share the steps and to amplify our message, » confirmed the Alderwoman.