EU and UK get a Brexit Christmas miracle

The United Kingdom and the European Union finally reached a post-Brexit agreement today, just a week before the end of the Brexit transition period.

European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen announced the good news during a press conference this afternoon.

“It was a long and winding road, but we have got a good deal to show for it,“ the EU chief said.

In a separate press conference at Downing Street, British Prime Minister Boris Johnson proudly declared “it was a good deal for the whole of Europe.”

The historic deal, which took 11 months to forge, will allow the UK and the EU to trade goods with zero tariff and zero quota. New arrangements on police and judicial cooperation will also be enforced.

Both sides have finally agreed on EU member states’ fishing rights and access to UK waters, which proved to be a thorny issue toward the end of negotiations.

The EU and the UK will continue cooperation in other areas of interest including climate change, security, and transport.

“Together, we still achieve more than we do apart,” said the EU chief. “It is time to leave Brexit behind, our future is made in Europe.”
