Redouane Ahrouch, co-founder of the Islam party, dismissed by the Stib

Redouane Ahrouch, co-founder of the Islam party, was dismissed by the Stib – confirmed Françoise Ledune, Stib spokesperson.

Stib wants to avoid any misunderstanding between Ahrouch’s convictions and the values of the company. Redouane Arhouch  stated last April that “we need to separate public transport between men and women” because “during peak hours, some people, especially foreigners, take advantage of the fact that vehicles are jam-packed to”stickwith women.That’s why I plead for men to come in front and women in the back, ” he concluded.

The party of Redouane Ahrouch will have candidates in 11 new communes for the upcoming elections taking place in October 2018.
