Family Day at the Sewage Museum

Categories: Event
Date: 02/11/2019
Time: 10 h 30 - 17 h 00
Location: Le Musée des Égouts
Links: iCal - Google Calendar

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Children, parents, grandparents or cousins, dive into the unknown and mysterious world of sewers. On Saturday 2 November 2019, from 10:30 am, the Sewage Museum holds a festival under the sign of rats. Entrance is free and no registration is necessary.

In the program on this Day of the dead (rats):

Ciné’Rats (45’)
10:30, 11:30, 12:30, 14:30, 15:30: an unusual selection of short films with themes related to the life of these surprising little rodents.
Films without dialogue/ With the International film festival for young audiences – Filem’on.


17:00:  attach your tail, put on your ears, add some black and white to your snout… The joyful Pa’RAT’de will set off from the museum to join the Dia de Muertos in Les Marolles.

Ateliers: what form will your rat take: a badge, origami, mask, or face paint?
Studio photo: small and large rats taking a break, as a family or with friends.
Encounters with guides.
Cookiefactory: cook and bites.



Visit their website for more information.
