Brussels Best Moments XIV

It seems that this week passed a bit quicker than others, probably due to the public holiday or maybe because we had yet another big Summit and some very important visitors in our city. One of the visitors made many Brusseleirs unhappy, and almost 10.000 people protested on the streets while the security measures remained tight during two days.

We share with you some interesting moments from the streets of Brussels, from the anti-Trump protests to the last weekend’s Gay Pride festival. To get ready for your weekend, head to Brussels Express agenda to find the perfect event for you.

Surreal light last night

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#belgianpride #parade #belgium #belgianbeer #party #crowd #festival

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Brussels is slaying 🏳️‍🌈🇧🇪 #Brussels #Bruxelles #Belgianpride #song #music #freedom #crossingborders #belgium

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For more daily Brussels inspiration visit WeLoveBrussels – you might find interesting the recent article about the urban interventions in Brussels during the Belgian Pride 2017. Keep your contributions coming and don’t forget to use #BrusselsExpress and #WeLoveBrussels hashtags to share your photos with us!
