EuropeEuropean UnionOpinionTravel Pulse

DiscoverEU: 20,000 travel tickets to be offered to young travellers

18-year-olds are to be offered 20,000 travel tickets this year to travel across the EU.

The new initiative is a consequence of the EU’s DiscoverEU programme. This is the third edition of the scheme, after 15,000 tickets had been granted on the previous two occasions.

The programme provides tickets for train, bus or ferry journeys, although flight tickets might also be offered in exceptional cases.



Since more than 20,000 young people are likely to be interested in the programme, there will be a contest to decide the winners. To take part, you should be born between 2 July 2000 and 1 July 2001, and be free to travel from 1 August 2019 to 31 January 2020 for a maximum period of 30 days. You should apply before noon on the 16th of May by answering a quiz. The winners will be able to choose to travel with friends or by themselves.

For more information about this initiative, please visit this webpage.

Lucas Tripoteau

Lucas holds a Master degree in EU Law and that is why he decided to move to Brussels two years ago. After having experienced lobbying, he joined Cafébabel Brussels as editorial coordinator. He is today Brussels editor at Pan European Networks and Secretary General at CaféBabel Brussels. He enjoys the Brussels lifestyle and is very keen to provide the expats with an exciting insight of the city.

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