Elections rundown: Which political parties are running in your commune?


  1. Ecolo-Groen
  2. Vlaams Belang (Flemish Interest)
  3. DéFI (Democratic, Federalist, Independent)
  4. PS-sp.a-cdH (Socialist Party – Socialist Party Differently – Humanist Democratic Center)
  5. CD&V Plus (Christian Democratic and Flemish)
  6. N-VA (New Flemish Alliance)
  7. PTB*PVDA (Workers’ Party of Belgium)
  8. MR-Open VLD-IC (Reformist Movement – Open Flemish Liberals and Democrats)
  9. La Droite
  10. Nation


  1. Liste Citoyenne 1160 (cdH, independent candidates)
  2. Ecolo-Groen
  3. Liste du Bourgmestre (DéFI, independent candidates)
  4. PS (Socialist Party)
  5. N-VA (New Flemish Alliance)
  6. MR-Open VLD (Reformist Movement – Open Flemish Liberals and Democrats)
  7. SAMEN (CD&V, sp.a, independent candidates)
  8. Parti Populaire (People’s Party)
  9. PTB*PVDA (Workers’ Party of Belgium)


  1. Ecolo-Groen
  2. Vlaams Belang (Flemish Interest)
  3. DéFI (Democratic, Federalist, Independent)
  4. PS-sp.a+ (Socialist Party – Socialist Party Differently)
  5. N-VA (New Flemish Alliance)
  6. Open MR (Reformist Movement – Open Flemish Liberals and Democrats)
  7. Liste du Bourgmestre (cdH-CD&V, Berch’m)


  1. cdH-CD&V+ (Humanist Democratic Center – Christian Democratic and Flemish)
  2. Ecolo-Groen
  3. Vlaams Belang (Flemish Interest)
  4. DéFI (Democratic, Federalist, Independent)
  5. PS (Socialist Party)
  6. MR-VLD (Reformist Movement – Open Flemish Liberals and Democrats)
  7. N-VA (New Flemish Alliance)
  8. PTB*PVDA (Workers’ Party of Belgium)
  9. Change.Brussels
  10. PLAN B
  11. Citoyen d’Europe M3E
  12. Islam
  13. La Droite
  14. Salem


  1. Alternative cdH (Humanist Democratic Center)
  2. Ecolo-Groen
  3. DéFI (Democratic, Federalist, Independent)
  4. PS-sp.a+ (Socialist Party – Socialist Party Differently)
  5. Liste du Bourgmestre (MR, independent candidates)
  6. Volt België-Belgique


  1. Humanistes Everois (cdH, independent candidates)
  2. Ecolo-Groen
  3. DéFI (Democratic, Federalist, Independent)
  4. N-VA (New Flemish Alliance)
  5. MR (Reformist Movement)
  6. Liste du Bourgmestre (PS, independent candidates)
  7. Nation
  8. Parti Populaire (People’s Party)


  1. cdH
  2. Ecolo-Groen
  3. DéFI
  4. Liste du Bourgmestre (PS, independent candidates)
  6. MR
  7. Forest en Mieux
  8. Chrétien


  1. ProGanshoren (cdH, independent candidates)
  2. Ecolo-Groen
  3. DéFI
  4. Ensemble-Samen”Carthé (PS, sp.a, Open VLD)
  5. N-VA
  6. Liste du Bourgmestre (MR, independent candidates)


  1. Objectif XL (Humanist Democratic Center-cdH, independent candidates)
  2. Ecolo-Groen
  3. DéFI (Democratic, Federalist, Independent)
  4. PS – sp.a (Socialist Party – Socialist Party Differently)
  5. N-VA (New Flemish Alliance)
  6. PTB*PVDA (Workers’ Party of Belgium)
  7. Liste de la Bourgmestre (Reformist Movement-MR, Open Flemish Liberals and Democrats, independent candidates)
  8. Volt België-Belgique


  1. LBJETTE (cdH, CD&V, independent candidates)
  2. Ecolo-Groen
  3. Vlaams Belang (Flemish Interest)
  4. DéFI
  5. PS – sp.a
  6. N-VA
  7. MR
  8. Les Démocrates


      1.  Alternative Humaniste (cdH, independent candidates)
      2.  Ecolo-Groen
      3.  PS
      4.  N-VA
      5.  LB (MR, Open VLD, DéFI, sp.a, CD&V)
      6.  Citoyen d’Europe M3E


  1. cdH-CD&V+ (Humanist Democratic Center – Christian Democratic and Flemish)
  2. Ecolo Samen
  3. DéFI
  4. PS – sp.a
  5. N-VA
  7. Groen
  8. Liste Bourgmestre (MR, Open VLD)
  9. Citoyen d’Europe M3E
  10. Islam
  11. Molenbeek Act


  1. cdH + CD&V (Humanist Democratic Center – Christian Democratic and Flemish)
  2. Ecolo-Groen
  3. DéFI (Democratic, Federalist, Independent)
  4. Liste du Bourgmestre (Socialist Party-PS, independent candidates)
  5. PTB*PVDA (Workers’ Party of Belgium)
  6. MR (Reformist Movement)
  7. B.U.B. (Belgische Unie – Union Belge)
  8. Gauches Communes
  9. QQVF (Qu-est-ce qu’on va faire?)


  1. cdH + independent
  2. Ecolo-Groen
  3. DéFI
  4. LB Liste du Bourgmestre (PS, sp.a)
  5. N-VA
  6. MR-Open VLD
  7. Liste Communale


  1. cdH-CD&V+
  2. Ecolo-Groen
  3. Vlaams Belang
  4. Liste Bourgmestre (DéFI, independent candidates)
  5. PS-sp.a
  6. N-VA
  8. MR & Citoyens
  9. Citoyen d’Europe M3E


  1. cdH
  2. Ecolo-Groen
  3. DéFI
  4. PS
  5. N-VA
  6. MR
  7. Uccle en Avant
  8. Citoyen d’Europe M3E


  1. Générations Humanistes (cdH, independent candidates)
  2. Ecolo-Groen
  3. DéFI
  4. PS-sp.a Cause Commune
  5. MR Gestion Municipale
  6. X²YZ
  7. Nos Votes
  8. Parti Populaire


  1. WolHu (cdH)
  2. Ecolo-Groen
  3. Liste du Bourgmestre (DéFI)
  4. PS-sp.a
  5. MR+
  6. Demos


  1. Liste du Bourgmestre (cdH, liberals, independent candidates)
  2. Ecolo-Groen
  3. DéFI pour Woluwe1150
  4. PS-sp.a
  5. Open MR (MR, Open VLD)