
Fatal road accidents are decreasing in Belgium

According to Vias Institute, fatal road accidents are decreasing in Belgium over the 9 first months of 2017.

Improving road safety, along with mobility and safety in general: that is the aim of Vias institute. Last Friday, Vias released its annual Road Safety Barometer reporting quite positive information about the 9 first months of 2017.

The document highlights an historical decrease of number of fatal road accidents in Belgium over the 9 first months of 2017, compared with the statistics of 2016: -11%. During this period: 363 road traffic deaths (2016: 407). The number of injured persons also decreased in this same period, from 38,165 in 2016 to 35,735 to 2017.

The figures are quite different from a region to another but ultimately they also go towards the same direction. The number of road traffic deaths significantly decreased 17% in Flanders and 7% in Wallonia. Exception: Brussels-Capital Region; fatal road accidents increased from 7% to 10% in Brussels.

Road Safety 2017
Evolution of the first nine months of 2016 and the first nine months of 2017 of the number of personal injuries recorded according to the type of user – Region of Brussels-Capital.

While the number of accidents has decreased in all the regions, Vias Institute is concerned about the gravity of the accidents involving bicycles and pedestrians, as fatal accidents respectively increased by 129% and 77%.

Vias Institute is however happy about the statistics regarding young drivers. The number of accidents involving a young driver (18-24 years old)  decreased by 9% and the number of fatal accidents also decreased by 12%. Over the last ten years, accidents involving young drivers decreased more than 50%.

Before drawing any conclusion, Vias Institute will wait for the complete 2017 statistics. It notices that is not an unrealistic goal to reach -50% of fatal accidents by 2020, compared with 2010. Federal Mobility Minister François Bellot said these results are “encouraging” while underlining its commitment to make the Belgian roads safer. For this purpose, the government will focus its priorities on fighting recidivism and driving under priorities focus on the fight against recidivism and driving under the influence of alcohol.