
Game over for the Eurostadium

Last December 7, the UEFA picked London to replace Brussels as a host city for the 2020 European Championship, giving Wembley Stadium an additional four games on top of the semifinals and final.

Brussels was dropped from the 13-nation hosting plan because of the delays in starting to build the Eurostadium. At the time, the City of Brussels confirmed «  its intention to have a modern national stadium at the heart of the capital of Europe. Brussels city stands ready to take part in any initiative from the different competent authorities”.

However, the Flemish Minister of the Environment, Joke Schauvliege refused today to grant an environmental permit to the Eurostadium project carried by the firm Ghelamco.

The minister justified her decision on the basis of the unanimous negative opinion her administration gave a few weeks ago, underlining the negative environmental impact of such a construction.

City of Brussels reaction:

 « We take note of the decision of the Flemish government. In close cooperation with the Brussels Region, the City of Brussels is now taking the time to examine the reasons for this decision and its implications for both the city and the Brussels Region, »