
Increasing number of Belgians commute to work by bike or public transport

A growing number of Belgians are travelling to work by bike or public transport, according to a recent federal study on commuting habits.

Over the past 13 years, the number of people commuting to work by bicycle has increased by 43% across Belgium, while those travelling to work by train has grown 11.6%. Overall, the number of people commuting by public transport has increased by 15% over the same period.

In Brussels, the increase in bicycle commuting has been particularly pronounced, growing 259% since 2005. Overall, those who commute to work by train (34%) in the capital are now almost as numerous as those who go by car (36.2%).

(Photo – Amos Bar-Zeev)


Car commuting, however, has only slightly declined across the country as a whole: 65% regularly drove to work year, compared to 66.8% in 2005. There has also been significant variance in car commuting habits across the country: car commuting has decreased in Flanders since 2005, but it has actually increased in Wallonia. Overall, however, the use of the car to reach one’s place of work is declining across Belgian cities.