A new app 100% dedicated to the Street Art in Brussels

A new app will guide you to the main Brussels street art works.

The city is already proud of the graffiti and frescos all around its streets, walls and corners, depicting famous comic characters, picturesque scenes or suggestive images. It even offers to its citizens and visitors several guides and advice on the best itineraries to admire the unconventional pieces of art spread in the city.

The emergence of street art was not obvious, but the local authorities have, step by step, implemented friendly street art policies over the last years. Karine Lalieux, deputy mayor in charge of culture, explained last September that since 2012 she’s strongly engaged in promoting street art. To Lalieux it’s fundamental to “mix the culture with public space”.

The best way to promote street art however relies on the press and social media. There isn’t any specific museum dedicated to street art and both tourists and Brussels residents are not always aware of the existence of latest fresco. In order to spread information about the existent frescos,the city of Brussels decided to set up several trials. These trails will take you to unexpected parts of Brussels.

The local authorities are currently collecting the existing and upcoming information in town. If you notice a new fresco or are aware of a potential one don’t hesitate to get in touch with the City thanks a street art email address: streetartbrussels@brucity.be.

An app is currently being design in order to help you to discover the street art heritage in Brussels. This app will be ready by the end of the 2017.

