BrusselsIn focusOpinion

Quartier Léopold: Quo vadis?

You work in this quartier, which has become one of the hearts of the EU, and we live there. We therefore sometimes have different perceptions, but we also share some observations: an often repulsive image given by Europe by -a not really so effective- urban planning, increasing traffic jam, saturated public transport, pollution, noise, construction sites all the time with even more imposing buildings, the absence of a constructive dialogue with the inhabitants of this city which has one of the richest compositions of civil society in Europe.

Thirty years ago, we founded the Association Quartier Léopold (AQL). Our aim is to defend the interests of the inhabitants and businesses, in particular by promoting quality of urban life, renovation and protection of the habitat, mixed zones, green spaces and development of urban services and public structures.

We are in contact with the Belgian and European authorities, but this limited dialogue is not up to the challenges of our neighbourhood and a Europe that is more and more questioning itself.

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We want to intensify these contacts in order to debate the aspects of our (yours and ours) quartier: mobility, Wiertz Museum, House of European History, Parc Léopold, Place de Luxembourg and Rond-point Schuman, facadisme, real estate, culture, security, renovation or demolition of the Spaak building (EP hemicycle), closure of public spaces by the EP … and the « bonheur de vivre ensemble ».

Therefore, we would like to invite you to an English-speaking breakfast briefing:

Friday, 01 September 2017 – 09.00-10.30

« Quartier Léopold: Quo Vadis, where will we go?! »

Horloge du Sud – Rue du Trône 141 – 1050 Brussels

To facilitate the organisation, please confirm your

If you want to support our petition concerning the Wiertz Museum.

Frank Schwalba-Hoth

Founding member of the German Greens, first Green MEP. After leaving the EP, be was in charge of the EU Greenpeace office, worked for an EU Commission project in the former USSR and Mongolia. He is now living in Brussels as a political analyst and strategist, coach and networker. Among others, he is organising classical music house concerts as well as monthly networking dinners, Soirée Internationale, with 30-40 participants from different professional, cultural, national and social background.

Frank Schwalba-Hoth has 30 posts and counting. See all posts by Frank Schwalba-Hoth