Use your brain but better not to trust it: The role of cognition in decision-making

Categories: Conference
Date: 13/11/2019
Time: 18 h 00 - 21 h 00
Location: Vlerick Brussels Campus
Links: iCal - Google Calendar

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Last year Vlerick business School welcomed around 250 participants (expats & non-expats) of about 45 nationalities. Meeting at the 10th Expat event. We have been present and joined a great networking event and got to know may great people.

This year, join the Vlerick event on November 13. Kerstin Fehre is eager to inspire you and challenge your daily decision-making process. After her inspiring keynote you should be able to better understand your and your business partners’ decision-making, and thus make better decisions – or just not regret the wrong decisions
too much…

Interested in joining?
All programme details & registration here.

Please make sure your register in advance.
