Brussels will welcome at least 150 new expats: Plastic Omnium to invest 50 million Euro in the city
The French automotive supplier, Plastic Omnium, will open in the first half of 2019 a research center dedicated to new technologies, announced Belgian newspaper L’Echo. The investment of some 50 million euros is expected to materialize in Brussels. The company remains silent about the center’s future location.
The center will be dedicated to the research of fuel cells and hydrogen propulsion. In total, 150 engineers will work there from its inauguration and this number could rise to about 200 people in the long term.
If the company, which is listed on the Paris Stock Exchange, remains silent about the future location of the research center, L’Echo understands that Neder-Over-Heembeek, where Plastic Omnium already occupies offices on the campus of the Solvay group, constitutes an attractive location.