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How to get fit again? Aspria Super Heroes

Last March 2018, Brussels Express together with Aspria launched a campaign in order to identify two Brussels expatriates working within the Brussels bubble that for one reason or another lost control of their weight – due to their stressful lifestyle and bad habits.

Two candidates have accepted our challenge. Meet Antonio and Vicent.

Aspria Super Hero: Vicent

Vicent is a Spanish expat living in Brussels now for 5 years.He gained 15 kilos in 1 year due to his stressful work and lifestyle.He accepted Aspria Brussels Arts-Loi challenge to become fit AGAIN. His goal: to run the Brussels marathon in October.

Publiée par Brussels Express sur mardi 15 mai 2018


Aspria Super Hero: Antonio

Antonio, from Brussels Express, accepted Aspria Brussels Arts-Loi challenge to become fit AGAIN. This Portuguese expat has 7 months to achieve his goal 🇵🇹

Publiée par Brussels Express sur mercredi 16 mai 2018


Antonio and Vicent are now in the good hands of Aspria team. They have until December 2018 to reach their goals. Patrick Lemaigre, Aspria General Manager, explains the methodology of Aspria Pro.