CPark: the app to get rid of parking tickets

CPark: the app to get rid of parking tickets

“I parked my car in a street that I thought was for free and left for holidays peacefully. On my return I was surprised to find five fines on my windscreen, each of which written almost daily at the same hour, between 9:35 and 9:37. That was the key moment for me to start with Cpark” explains Hadrien Crespin, the man behind this app.

cPark – Fini les amendes de parking

Marre des amendes de parking? 🚗🛂Vous ne savez jamais s’il faut payer ou mettre son disque? 🚕🅿️Envie de trouver des zones de parking gratuites? 🚙✅Alors téléchargez cPark sans plus attendre! 📱📱***iPhone :***Android :

Publié par cPark sur mercredi 14 juin 2017


Cpark is a community app that helps users to get rid of parking tickets. Thanks to user contributions you are notified every time a parking officer is spotted or a ticket is received so it doesn’t happen again. Through an interactive map users can see where the free parking streets are located, where payment or use of a parking disc is mandatory and where cars are being checked at the moment.

“Users can notify the community where they are parked and if a parking officer is around within a radius of 250 meters, they receive a notification,” Hadrien continues.


Control technologies are adapting to this new reality 

According to Pablo Rauwers, managing director of a parking management company, the parking control companies are not worried about the appearance of apps such as Cpark. For instance, in Schaerbeek, a “scan car” equipped with several cameras controls nearly 20,000 licence plates a day.

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