
Greater police presence at Gare du Nord until this weekend

The Brussels-North police will increase its presence in and around the Gare du Nord until this weekend.

Migrants recently forcibly displaced from the station are currently squatting in Maximilian Park, located just a few hundred metres from the station. The Mayor of Brussels, Philippe Close, and the Brussels Capitale-Ixelles police did not wish to comment on any further possible police or government action at this stage.


Three migrants were apprehended on Wednesday by the Brussels-North police as they tried to settle in the De Lijn bus station and the Stib tram station at the Gare du Nord. “Two people were ordered to leave the area and a third person was reported to the Office des Etrangers. The latter person has since been released,” said a spokeswoman for the Brussels-North police.

The police’s stated goal is to get the migrants to leave the area entirely. The police also states that it has provided the migrants with necessary information on the Samusocial, Red Cross and Citizen Platform reception centres.