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Bringing Lebanon’s #LostGeneration of refugees to EDD19

We are happy to announce SB OverSeas’ stand at the Global Village during the European Development Days #edd19

Join us at stand no.76 “Bridging the gap for the lost generation,” – Addressing the inequalities through education and empowerment.

This June 18 and 19, SB OverSeas will present our work on education through empowerment at the European Development Days. Our work to provide education to refugee children and youth will be highlighted at the EDD Global Village, where participants will interact with our community by sharing their messages on how to “Fill in the Gap” to prevent the lost generation.

Check out our stand site!

We will share these messages from Brussels to our community in Lebanon through our social media, using the official EDD hashtag & #lostgeneration. The children in our catch-up schools in Lebanon will share their messages with the EDD participants via video and pictures throughout the day.



The EDD theme of tackling inequalities resonates in every project at SB OverSeas. Since beginning our programmes in 2013 our mission has been to reduce inequality of opportunity & promoting an inclusive society. In 2018, our programs have touched the lives of over 400 refugee youth in Belgium & a combined over 1,000 students in our three centres in Beirut, Saida and Arsal.


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Publiée par SB OverSeas sur Dimanche 9 juin 2019


Join us in person at our stand next week on June 18 and 19, or follow our Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn and Twitter for updates.

Help us bridge the gap for the #lostgeneration.

Ana Londoño

With experience working in development and public policy in both Latin America and Europe, Ana moved to Brussels to further enrich her multi-disciplinary expertise by studying International Development and Political Strategy & Communications at the Brussels School of International Studies. She is the Project Development and Communications Officer for SB OverSeas, a Brussels based NGO that works in Lebanon and Belgium to provide aid, education and empowerment to those affected by conflict.

Ana Londoño has 53 posts and counting. See all posts by Ana Londoño