BelgiumBrusselsGilets JaunesNews

Calls for a new Gilets Jaunes demonstration on Saturday December 22nd

While year is coming to an end, the mobilization of yellow vests do not seem to run out of steam on social networks. They are calling for a new event in Brussels this Saturday.

Will the yellow vests movement be present on social networks as well as on the street? Some are ready to make their voices heard again in the capital, this Saturday, according to some calls to the event published on some Gilets Jaunes Facebook groups.

According to La Capitale, the event expected Saturday could be more violent.


Gilets Jaunes


The police does not want to communicate on the measures that will be implemented this weekend. The Gilets Jaunes have in any case filed an official request to demonstrate.

Last Saturday, for the third week in a row, nearly 200 yellow vests stood at the Arts-Loi crossroads, before being escorted by the police to Luxembourg. No incident was reported on that day.