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Huawei opens large cyber-security transparency center in Brussels

Huawei, the Chinese tech giant has inaugurated a pan-European center for transparency and cyber-security in the city of Brussels. « The opening of the Cyber Security Transparency Centre in Brussels demonstrates Huawei’s stronger cyber security commitment to governments, customers, and other partners in Europe, and will provide better support to facilitate collaboration, » the company reported on its website.

The inauguration comes during a period in which the Chinese giant was on the spotlight for some time. Following President Trump’s and his administration’s efforts to stop their allies from using Huawei products, the company has taken a step to improve their image.

The US administration of President Trump has banned its federal agencies from using Huwaei products on the basis of national security. According to the US government, the new super-fast 5G networks could be used by the Chinese government for espionage.

Huawei President, Ken Hu, stated during the inauguration, « Trust must be based on facts, and facts must be verifiable. This verification must be done on the basis of common standards. We believe that this is an effective model to build trust for the digital era. « .


Huawei Mobile World Congress 2018


This brand new center is located at the intersection of Rue Guimard and Rue du Commerce, just a few feet away from the European institutions.