First European Shoe Shine Competition
For the first time, Europe’s best shoe shiners will meet in Brussels on May 26 to offer their services. That’s right, shoe shiners, the masters from all over Europe will converge in Brussels to do what they do best.
Un cadeau rien que pour vous !
En l'honneur de l'anniversaire de notre cher Directeur Associé, Monsieur Olivier CASPAR, né le 25 Avril, Les Cireurs vous offrent un cadeau conçu rien que pour vous ! Tentez votre chance en participant à notre jeu concours et remportez un gain à la hauteur de vos espérances !Pour participer au jeu concours : 1. Likez la page Facebook Les Cireurs 2. Partagez cette vidéo 3. Attendez avec impatience le tirage au sort qui aura lieu ce Mercredi 25 Avril ! Éventuellement, vous pouvez doubler vos chances de gagner en vous abonnant au compte Instagram : les_cireurs. Suite à l'acquisition de votre gain, choisissez vous-même, la couleur de votre patine ! Un cadeau à votre image, pour votre plus grand plaisir. Merci pour votre participation ! À très vite !
Publiée par Les Cireurs sur vendredi 20 avril 2018
From 11 am to 7pm, the Galeries Royales Saint-Hubert in front of the Vaudeville Theater will host this shining spectacle. Everyone can get their shoes shined for free, and Several “royal“ shoe shine chairs will welcome lovers of beautiful shoes.
There is also a raffle where participants can win high-quality tools for taking care of their shoes: cashmere brushes, cedar shoetrees, polish vouchers, totaling a value of €500.
“We want to introduce May 26 as the European Shoe Shine Day,” said Marcello Faraggi, event organiser and President of the European Shoe Shine Association. “It’s important to look after your shoes because they are the first business card of a person.”
And it’s not just voyeurs who are getting something, the professionals who have come from France, Italy, Germany, Belgium will compete to bring the best shine, and the winners will be honoured with Golden Brushes and €2,000; judging on technique/quality, customer service, and best entrepreneur.
This festival is part of a rejuvenation of the profession of shoe shining. They are hoping by showing the great skill and quality of the shiners; they will encourage people to take up the role once again and for people to visit these shoe shiners.
To get a free shoe shine, show up on the 26th in a pair of leather shoes and then sit back and let the professionals bring out their shine.