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Celebrate community and diversity: Join us for a traditional Iftar Dinner

SB OverSeas would like to invite you to join our 7th annual Iftar dinner, a traditional Syrian night, taking place on May 25th in Salle Mille et une Nuit, Rue de Moscou 7, 1060 Saint-Gilles.

SB OVERSEAS is a Belgian non-profit, non-governmental organization founded in 2013 in response to the Syrian crisis, which heavily affected neighboring countries such as Lebanon, now the country with the highest ratio of refugees per capita. The initiative started as a community effort to relieve the plight of refugees in Belgium and Lebanon.

Our mission in Belgium is to provide for citizenship education and integration support to unaccompanied refugee minors living in asylum centres in Brussels. Our mission in Lebanon is to provide education, empowerment, psycho-social support and emergency assistance Syrian refugees and advocate on their behalf.

Every year, to celebrate Ramadan and to bring awareness to the refugee experience, SB OverSeas plans an Iftar dinner. The aim of the dinner is to reflect on the hardship of the refugee journey and share the experience of the global refugee community by breaking fast with a selection of Syrian dishes prepared by Syrian refugees who have found a home here in Brussels. The dinner is a spiritual and inclusive experience that highlights and promotes the intercultural dialogue that occurs within the SB OverSeas organization and its community.

This year, we will reflect together on the theme of “her choice, her future” to explain and increase awareness of our education and empowerment programs aimed at preventing early marriage and the effects of the “lost generation”.

The evening will begin with a reflection of the past year for SB OverSeas followed by our vision for the upcoming year. This will be accompanied by traditional Syrian music and performances by whirling dervishes.

You can buy tickets either online through our web site or through sending us a bank transfer.

Normal entry: 30 EUR online/ 40 EUR on site
Students: 22 EUR  online/ 25 EUR on site
Table for 10 people: 250 EUR EUR
(Child 15 EUR)

Details of our bank:
SB Overseas Asbl
CBC Bank BE42 7320 3907 1954

SB Overseas Communication : Iftar – NUMBER of people attending and your telephone number. We will send you a text with your confirmation.

You can reserve by sending an Email to or tel; 0486311537 or send sms

Fundraising proceeds will directly support SB OverSeas’ activities in Lebanon.
You can buy tickets either online here

Ana Londoño

With experience working in development and public policy in both Latin America and Europe, Ana moved to Brussels to further enrich her multi-disciplinary expertise by studying International Development and Political Strategy & Communications at the Brussels School of International Studies. She is the Project Development and Communications Officer for SB OverSeas, a Brussels based NGO that works in Lebanon and Belgium to provide aid, education and empowerment to those affected by conflict.

Ana Londoño has 53 posts and counting. See all posts by Ana Londoño